While many workplace injuries occur from one event, not all of them fall under this umbrella. Some others are the result of some kind of circumstance involving repeated motions over time. So, while the manufacturing industry, for example, is seen as very dangerous because of the potential to be injured by machinery, one of the biggest injury categories in the workplace is repetitive stress injury.

Understanding the Repetitive Stress Injury (RSI) Concept
These injuries are caused because of an excessive amount of stress that is placed on a given joint, muscle, and tendon, which will create a situation of overuse.
What Are Some of the Standard Repetitive Stress Injuries That May Occur in the Workplace?
When people think of repetitive stress injury, carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is one of the first ones that will come to mind and this is for good reason. It is realistically one of the most common ones that exist. Office workers and other professionals who will use a computer for a long time are the ones who are most likely to be affected by this. Here are some of the standard examples:
Carpal tunnel syndrome - Characterized by swelling in the nerve that's found behind the elbow, which may also affect the hand.
Bursitis - There is an inflamed bursa at play, which is a sack that provides joint cushioning. The shoulder and knees are typically the affected areas.
Epicondylitis - The name "tennis elbow" is more frequently used to refer to this condition. Employees who do heavy labor such as construction workers are most susceptible to it.
Rotator cuff syndrome - There will be inflammation in the tendons and muscles of the shoulder.
Myofascial damage - This is characterized by damage to overused muscles.
Tendonitis - Here, tendons in the knee, arm, or shoulder become overused, which may result in pain.
De Quervain's disease - This condition sees the tendon connected to the thumb becoming inflamed.
Which Jobs Are More Susceptible to Repetitive Motion Injury?
An injured worker who experiences a repetitive stress injury is more likely to have certain roles than they are others. Some of the jobs with the highest instances of such injuries are:
Assembly line employees
Healthcare workers
Data entry employers
Custodial workers
Bus, truck, or delivery drivers
How to Tell if Repetitive Strain Injuries Are Happening
Many of these injuries have no prevalent symptoms early on. In other cases, there is a tingling sensation or pain present when there is a certain posture taken or when a certain motion is happening. Unless this is treated early, these injuries can be a problem for a long time. Some of the standard symptoms are:
Feeling a sense of numbness in the feet, hands, or fingers
A reduction in range of motion
A loss of strength that is noticeable
An inability to form a fist or grip objects
Tingling in the feet, hands, or fingers
Tenderness at the injury site that can go anywhere from a dull ache to acute or throbbing pain
What's the Outlook on Workers Compensation Benefits for Repetitive Motion Injuries?
Indiana workers' compensation law does cover these kinds of things, but such claims are very often denied. One of the problems is that the symptoms of this kind of work-related injury are not immediately visible. Schuerger Shunnarah Trial Attorneys can also answer questions like Can I be fired for an injury at work in Indiana?
Workers who do have a repetitive strain injury are advised to seek medical care while ensuring that they talk to an experienced workers comp law firm in Indianapolis at the same time.
Treatment will sometimes be able to return things to normal, but this will not always be the case. In fact, some people are so badly affected that they simply will never return to their previous level of function, which may mean being unable to do the job that was previously done ever again.
What Damages Can Make up a Repetitive Stress Injury Workers Compensation Claim?
While these kinds of cases are likely to be denied, there are instances in which the claimant is successful and this means that several damages can be claimed. Some of these are:
Medical bills - Treatment for injury from repetitive motions will cause bills to be incurred, and an award is made to cover these costs and any future ones until healing has been completed or a doctor has deemed the employee fit to return to work.
Temporary or permanent disability benefits - A repetitive stress injury can realistically prevent someone from being able to do their normal job duties, which means missing time at work. The idea here is to cover the lost wages that will be incurred as a result. Temporary or permanent disability benefits may apply depending on the situation.
How Are Common Repetitive Stress Injuries Treated?
The course of treatment used for the injury will depend on the nature of same and how severe it is. Splinting, icing, rest, and elevation of the affected area are common medical recommendations. Doctors may go the anti-inflammatory medication route where the cases are moderate or mild. Sometimes a splint or wrap will be employed to help ensure that the area can be rested effectively.
When the injuries are severe and cause the person to be unable to work, there may be occupational therapy used to improve the time taken for recovery.
Basics of the Process to Keep in Mind
Those who manage to be successful in these kinds of workers comp claims must pay careful attention to both details and deadlines. A claim is very likely to be denied whenever there isn't adequate information present. Schuerger Shunnarah Trial Attorneys can also help in situations like injured at work by another employee in Indiana.
Within 30 days of discovering the injury, the filing should take place. The clock starts from the time of medical diagnosis.
Once the claim is received by the employer, there is a 7-day period within which they should report same to their insurance carrier. The claim will then be investigated and a decision made on approval or denial of same.

Schedule a FREE Consultation with a Work Injury Attorney Today!
Repetitive stress injury is not easy to deal with, and successfully filing a claim for one can make it even harder. When suffering from such an injury, the best bet is to lean on the expertise of an Indiana work injury lawyer who is willing to go to war for you!
Schedule a free consultation today with such an attorney at Schuerger Shunnarah Trial Attorneys.