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The Seven Most Common Accidents and Injuries Involving Children | Schuerger Shunnarah Trial Attorney

Children are full of boundless energy. They often engage in adventurous activities that keep them active and entertained.

Regardless of age, kids love to have fun. However, their naughty and clumsy nature can sometimes lead to accidents and injuries. Parents and guardians need to prioritize their safety. They need to draw the line between fun and risky behavior and seek urgent care when necessary.

Seven Most Common Childhood Injuries

Seven Most Common Childhood Injuries

Childhood is a time of exploration, learning, and curiosity. Unfortunately, it's also a time when accidents can happen.

As kids grow and develop, they become more independent and prone to experiencing unintentional injuries. Parents and guardians must stay vigilant and be prepared for falls, bumps, cuts, and burns.

1. Falls

Unfortunately, falls are one of the most common types of childhood injuries. They can happen anywhere, from playgrounds to home environments.

Playground equipment, stairs, beds, bathtubs, and slippery surfaces can all be potential hazards. Younger children (ages one to three) are particularly susceptible due to their imbalance and lack of coordination.

While most falls result in minor injuries, such as cuts and bruises, some require urgent care. If a toddler experiences difficulty breathing, shows signs of broken bones, constant headaches, bleeding, nausea, vomiting, or loss of consciousness or memory loss, it is crucial to seek specialized emergency care as these symptoms may indicate head or internal injuries.

2. Accidental Impacts

Such impacts have no specific age requirements. Any child can bump into things – or even people. Baby walkers engrossed in their own worlds might bump into furniture or doors, causing unintentional injuries.

High-speed sports or mishandling objects like baseball bats can lead to similar outcomes. If a child shows breathing problems, has broken bones, experiences pelvis pain, or has worsening headaches after an accidental impact, it is essential to seek specialized emergency care to rule out any serious injuries.

3. Cuts and Bruises

Kids being kids, it's not uncommon for them to poke themselves with sharp objects like knives or pins, resulting in cuts or bruises.

While most of these injuries heal naturally, some may need urgent care, especially if they involve heavy or internal bleeding or are close to the face or eyes. Cuts or bruises covered with dirt can also lead to infections. Additionally, some lacerations can be painful and cause numbness, warranting swift medical attention.

Parents should also use child injury prevention methods to ensure their kids don't come close to sharp objects in the house. Teachers in schools should supervise children to keep them away from harm during classes and recess.

4. Motor Vehicle Accidents

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), teens between the ages of 16 and 19 are at the highest risk of motor vehicle accidents compared to other age groups.

Motor vehicle accidents are a leading cause of death and road traffic injuries among older children. Whether it's high-speed collisions or low-speed accidents, these incidents can result in severe injuries.

Breathing difficulty, loss of consciousness, numbness, excessive bleeding, broken bones, piercing, lacerations, and deep bruises are all signs that a driver involved in a motor vehicle accident needs specialized emergency care.

To prevent such accidents to begin with, motorists of all ages must wear protective gear before heading out onto busy roads.

5. Animal Bites and Insect Stings

Wild and pet animals can quickly change from innocent and playful to potentially deadly. Most childhood injuries involving bee stings and dog bites happen to kids aged one to nine. They often need visits to the emergency room.

Trauma from animal bites and insect stings may require specialized emergency care. First aid training and proper supervision of children are crucial in preventing such incidents.

It's essential to be aware of safety tips and promptly seek medical attention for wounds that include heavy bleeding, deep bites, or if there is a possibility of rabid or venomous animals. Infections from bites or stings by spiders, snakes, other insects, or viruses transmitted from bats can be deadly if left untreated.

6. Burns

Beyond just fire, a range of objects can cause burns – hot pots, kettles, chemical substances, and more. Child injuries caused by burns are common and can vary from unintentional injuries to more severe cases.

Chemical burns, frostbite, electrical scorches, and sunburns are all potential dangers. Urgent care is necessary if a burn exhibits a foul smell, signs of infection, redness, or is deeper than first-degree or second-degree sears.

Burns on sensitive areas such as the face, genitals, hands, feet, or ears should also be evaluated by a medical professional.

7. Foreign Bodies

Curiosity often leads children to stick small objects like peas up their noses or get them stuck in their throats. First aid training can go a long way in handling such situations.

Regardless of age, children can be naughty and clumsy, resulting in accidents. Abdominal pain, suffocating, constipation, difficulty passing gas, bloating, excessive vomiting, and other symptoms may indicate the presence of a foreign body.

The Differences Between Intentional and Unintentional Injuries

In the legal context, intentional injuries relate to instances where one person willingly inflicts harm upon another, either physically or emotionally. The top personal injury attorneys at Schuerger Shunnarah Trial Attorneys can provide more insight on this.

Such actions typically involve aggression, such as assault or battery. Legal consequences for intentional injuries often result in criminal charges.

On the other hand, an unintentional injury may include harm caused by negligence, recklessness, or unforeseen circumstances. It can result from factors like a failure to exercise reasonable care, not taking proper safety precautions, or engaging in activities that lead to unintended harm.

Are All Child Injuries Dangerous?

Are All Child Injuries Dangerous?

Not all child injuries are inherently dangerous, but the severity and potential consequences can vary widely depending on the nature of the injury. Children are naturally curious and active. Minor bumps, bruises, and scrapes are often part of their everyday adventures. Contact Schuerger Shunnarah Trial Attorneys for more information on parental responsibility laws in personal injury.

However, some child injuries can be more severe and need immediate attention. Head injuries, fractures, deep cuts, burns, and injuries that involve difficulty breathing or loss of consciousness should be taken seriously.

Additionally, injuries involving heavy bleeding, signs of infection, or potential internal damage should be addressed to prevent complications. Internal bleeding is a leading cause of death in many middle-income countries due to inadequate medical treatments.

Final Words

Children's adventures can sometimes take an unexpected turn towards accidents and injuries. While many common injuries are minor, some demand urgent or specialized emergency care. can also assist with writing a reply letter to too-low settlement offer.

The lawyers at Schuerger Shunnarah Trial Attorneys can help grieving parents seek compensation for their child's intentional injuries. Stating "We Go to War for You," the experts at this law firm will fight for their client's rights to the end.


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